Community Service Sponsored Charity
The Boise Valley Chapter of ARMA International was formed in 1973 to offer a forum for professional education, community awareness of the importance of records management, and to foster a sense of professionalism among its members. The chapter currently has more than 30 members that work within the records and information management professions.
See below for details about upcoming meetings.
Pay Online for Chapter Meetings (if required):
All Meetings/Events & Past Meetings/Events:
Summer Break
Every year BVC ARMA takes a break between July and August. Check back in September for upcoming events.
June 2024 Meeting: Elections
We are holding our annual election meeting to choose our new board on June 4th at 12:00 noon at Sockeye Brewing, located at 12542 W Fairview Ave.
There are 6 open positions on the board of directors this year:
- Vice President position (responsible for organizing speakers & events, and automatically becomes President the following year)
- Secretary position (records meeting minutes, custodian of records)
- 4 Board Member positions (attend board meetings, form committees, vote on resolutions and motions)
Please consider sharing your time and talent to help support the records and information management community in Idaho. The chapter depends on the ongoing contributions of its members.
Thanks, and we hope to see you all there!
April 2024 Meeting: Open House at Idaho Records Management with tour, BBQ, and “Meet the Boise Valley Chapter Board”
Date/Time: April 19th from 12-3p Mountain Time
Location: 970 W. River St., Boise ID, 83702
RSVP to Misty at 208.387.6221 or mperry@achdidaho.org by 4/10.
2024 Spring Seminar Mania
Welcome to the 2024 Spring Seminar Mania Program! Born out of necessity in 2021, when gathering together with colleagues was not a viable option for chapters, the greater Midwest ARMA chapters forged untraveled (virtual) territory. These chapters came together and through a lot of hard work, creativity, technology, and passion, the very first Spring Seminar Mania was held. It was a colossal success! We found this format was so much more than a novelty during those challenging times. It has evolved into a practical, sustainable, and boundaryless way for all of us to join together for our common interests, participate in educational sessions, and network with colleagues from all over the country.
16 ARMA Chapters have partnered to provide 16 educational sessions during the months of April and May. Our program participants span the country, from Washington state to Florida, expanding our regional diversity far beyond the Midwest.
So grab your virtual passports and get ready to visit some spectacular destinations. Each time you attend a seminar, your virtual passport is stamped. The more places you visit the more passport stamps you get. The more passport stamps you get the more chances you have to win prizes during and at the end of the event. Don’t wait! Pack your virtual bags!
Learn from the experts in our field, tour these fabulous cities & states graciously hosted by our participating ARMA Chapters, and win great prizes. Mark your calendar and join us for one, many, or all of the following seminars.
Seminar Dates:
April 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, & 30
May 2, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 29, & 30 (finale event)
Spring Seminar IV StandardRes Program3-compressed
March 2024 Meeting: “The Life and Times of a Paralegal Implementing Legal Holds in the Real World” – featuring Wendy Austin
Description: The Legal Hold process often takes a village to implement. The Paralegal responsible for legal holds needs to understand the steps and processes to ensure defensibility if challenged.
This presentation is based on real-life experiences implementing legal holds within a very large organization across multiple jurisdictions.
Location: ACHD, 3775 Adams Street, Garden City, ID 83714
Date/Time: Thursday, March 21, from noon-1p (lunch starts @ 11:30a) Mountain Time
RSVP to Misty at 208.387.6221 or mperry@achdidaho.org by 3/13.
Cost: $10/ARMA member / $15 non-member